An Invitation
By Matt
Finally, a new kind of question, and then two more rhetoricals :)
- "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?" (Matthew 11:28) - This is probably one of the best passages in The Message, maybe even the best question followed by the best answer. If you answer yes, Jesus has a simple answer for you: "Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace." Now I really have no idea what all is included in the "unforced rhythms of grace," but I want it. And Jesus has it.
- "Didn't you ever read what David and his companions did when they were hungry, how they entered the sanctuary and ate fresh bread off the altar, bread that no one but priests were allowed to eat? And didn't you read in God's law that priests carrying out their Temple duties break Sabbath rules all the time and it's not held against them?" (Matthew 12:3-5) - A big sigh of relief here for all us youth workers who end up so busy on Sunday: it's not held against us. Jesus knows that the priests know so this question is rhetorical. But, it's no doubt a good reminder.
- "Is there a person who, finding one of your lambs fallen into a ravine, wouldn't, even though it was a Sabbath, pull it out?" (Matthew 12:11) - The answer is a resounding, "Of course!" And it should be. It's strange to me how people can so easily misunderstand the Sabbath when it's laid out so clearly in the Bible. Oh well, at least they're following a very long precedent :)
The answer to the first question is (as far as I can figure) the reason that we need Christ today. We need him as an example of how to live our lives. (That, of course, comes after the fact of his suffering for our sins)
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