
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

09 October 2006

Q & A

By Matt

I think that when I finish Matthew in The Message, I might do Mark in the NASB or NRSV or maybe NIV. Just to get a more literal translation. As much as I love this translation, I think a lot of these questions are more Peterson's phrasing than Jesus'. And that's okay, it's just an exercise that requires more literal translating.

  1. "What did you expect when you went out to see [John the Baptist] in the wild? A weekend camper? Hardly. A sheik in silk pajamas? Not in the wilderness, not by a long shot. What then? A prophet?" (Matthew 11:7-8) - Here we see Jesus explaining who John the Baptist is and what his significance is as well. He's a wild prophet, no doubt about it.
  2. "Are you listening to me? Really listening?" (Matthew 11:15) - Just for fun I looked this up in the NIV and instead read: "He who has ears, let him hear." So, not quite the same at all, not even a question really. However, it's an important one and also one that becomes a refrain throughout the Gospels in The Message. It's entirely possible to read through an entire chapter and not really do anything but look at the words. I like this questions because it reminds us that listening deeply is a requirement.
  3. "How can I account for this generation?" (Matthew 11:16) - I don't really understand this question. I think it's just a general rhetorical one.
  4. "Opinion polls don't count for much, do they?" (Matthew 11:17) - Nope, they don't. Unless you're polling the trinity :)


At 11:47 AM, Blogger Ben George said...

Cute on #4! I like it. And you're probably right about using a more literal translation.


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