
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

02 October 2006

A song

by Ben

I read 2 Samuel 21-21.

I'm going to focus in on chapter 22, David's song to the Lord.

This chapter is much like the Psalms in that it is a song to the Lord. Why, oh why is it included here? Let's take a look at the introduction of the chapter: "David sang this song to the Lord after the Lord had rescued him from all his enemies and from Saul."

In looking through the ideas that David covers in his song, we start to see that this is the ultimate Psalm. It contains almost all of the emotions that David covers in his Psalms.

Why am I finding this so important today? Well, recently, my life has been very good. Things just seem to be going my way. Good things keep happening to me. I want to make sure that I do two things in relation to all of this: 1) I want to thank God in whatever ways I can. 2) I want to record this sense of connection to God so that when times seem bleak, I can reflect on this feeling and remember that God will pull me through.

So, without further introduction:

Where would I be without you, God?
What would I do without your incredible guidance?
I would be lost. In a foreign city without connection, without love.
But you are here, ever-present, leading me with wisdom.
All I have, I offer you. Lord, let my life be a mirror of you.
You have given me strength when I am weary.
You help me to persevere when the work you have given me seems impossible.
I know that you are right in front of me, even when I can't see you.
You have opened the heavens shown me your Kingdom.
You have filled me with your life, so that I may breathe out your words.
When my enemies are near, you show me a way through the struggle.
Although I may not always know my next step, the Lord is there before I take it.
My Father blesses me and deserves my praise.
The Ruler of Life should be given all we can offer.
I will offer myself before your throne, my God.
You are my friend. You are my Lord.


At 11:11 AM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

Wow, that was great! The first Psalm by Ben? :)

I recently read something in Psalms about a city sending up praise out of thanksgiving and I thought it was such a wonderful image. Can't find it right now though, d'oh. Hopefully I underlined it at home and can find it there. Thanks for sharing this, Benny :)


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