
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

19 September 2006

Eggs and Trust

I read 2 Samuel 6-10 while having breakfast at a local diner.

Some important story points:

David recovered the Ark of the Covenant. He defeated some more people, and ended up getting into a war with the Ammonites while he was trying to be nice.

The main point for today: Reading and eating today were very relaxing - hooray for getaways from the office! Also, and I think this is even more significant, is what happened after eating:

The waitress brought my bill and I pulled out my credit card. She informed me that they don't take any cards. PROBLEM!!! I don't carry cash. I mentioned that there was an ATM down the road and she said she'd check with the manager. She came back and said that he wasn't too worried about it and that I should bring in the money whenever I get time.

Wow. No scrubbing the dishes, no leaving my driver's license whilst I run and get cash. No, just good, freshly toasted trust. What a nice surprise on an early Tuesday morning!


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