
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

16 August 2006

"Go Mode"

by Ben

There are some days when I get little to nothing done. No motivation...no deadlines. I do some work mind you, but overall...it's like somebody switched my coffee to decaf (but I don't drink coffee). However, today is not one of those days. Today, I am in "Go Mode" - where I feel so ADHD about what I have to do that I end up trying to do too many things at once, such to the point that I don't finish any of them.

Where to go from here? Well, I need to slow down some, yet remain focused, because I can feel myself going from one extreme ("Go Mode") to the other ("No Mode"). How do I find a happy medium?

I'm trying to remind myself that spiritual attacks can come through the means of physical distractions. I want nothing more right now than to go fall asleep on one of the couches. I've heard that power naps (about 17 minutes) help re-energize and refocus you. Yet, my list of to-do's is staring me in the face and I know that if I lay down, I may sleep longer than 17 minutes.

Well, I rested for a short bit and was awoken by the phone (a wrong number). However, I do feel refreshed and ready to get to work.

By the way, during this time of mental back and forth, I did read 1 John 5:11-13 and Matthew 7:24-27.


At 8:52 AM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

That's why task lists are great for keeping you focused ;)

Or just set your cell phone timer/alarm for 20 minutes. Works for me!


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