
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

02 March 2006


I read: 1 Kings 1

A cat at the house where Campaigners took place tonight has wreaked havoc with my allergies and the Claritin I took after the fact expires 2/06 so I have no idea if it did any good. My nose is runny and my head feels not so good. Thus the sole chapter. But man, if it isn't a doosey.

Another king (Israel wins the award for most kings in least amount of time I think) is on the throne of Israel and winds up in a bad spot wondering if he's going to die. He sends out his men to question Baal about the matter. God speaks to Elijah and Elijah intercepts the kings men and hits them with this poignant question to take back to their master: "Is it because there's no God in Israel that you're running off to consult Baal Zebub god of Ekron?" (Akron!?)

Doesn't sound too applicable, right? We're not off at the altars of Buddha and Vishnu, are we? No, I suppose not but how many altars do we bow at before God? For instance, as bad as I'm feeling right now, I took the time to update my webpage for a good half hour tonight, probably longer. Had the energy to do that but reading my Bible is suddenly a chore. Not by those same standards it shouldn't be, bucko.

It's not a fun thing to admit but I'm just as guilty as that king for most of the time. Right now even. Whie I doubt if we can get it perfect, at least beginning to recognize our metal-and-wood gods that we create for ourselves might be some worthy introspection. It's a prayer at least :)


At 4:12 PM, Blogger Ben George said...

Not to mention the god of Clariton!!! ::kidding!::

No, you are exactly right, Matt. We do put everything before God. I do everything in the world before my nightly devotional; such to the point of being so tired sometimes that reading it is barely worthwhile. I think we all have things that we put before God. We all need to strive to get ourselves spiritually healthy.

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

LOL, nice one. Turns out it's a cold/sinus infection. GO AWAY.

I know what you mean about doing the reading when it's not worthwhile. I think that's why this is such a valid exercise: it makes you think and apply what you read instead of just thinking, "Oh, interesting, snooooore." The nice thing about youth leader workplaces/schedules is that we have time, really any time, to do this. I know I need to commit to doing it earlier in the day when I'm less tired.


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