
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

25 February 2006


I've spent most of the day so far reading Purpose Driven Youth Ministry and have been enjoying it thoroughly. It's been interesting to see how, despite not having formal youth ministry training, I managed to get some things right and definitely got some things wrong (eschewing evangelism in lieu of better discipleship, oy). But it's been good. And I think the prayer for God to empower me to discipline myself is somehow beginning to work (despite the fact it's been a day). I feel inspired, not to something but just generally inspired. I know I have something positive to contribute to youth ministry and I want back in the game in the worst way. I have something I want to give, I just need the place to begin giving it.

I have an idea for something that I want your guys' opinion on: group blogging as a means of discipleship! Building the discipline of daily reading/meditation is a difficult one but I'm definitely seeing the fruit in my life from this exercise in regards to that specific discipline. Kids these days love their myspace and xanga and all that, why not encourage them to begin doing something similar to what we're doing here? I'm thinking the best context would be in a message board setting where they would have their own sub-forum for their own daily writing that, through accounts, would be viewable by them, perhaps their small group leader, and whoever else they would want to invite (the rest of their small group, other friends, etc). Leaders and group members would be there to keep them in check, comment on their posts, etc. I think it would be a really neat thing to try.


I read: 1 Kings 7-9

More "Cribs" Solomon style! I could see how chapter 7 could be interpreted as a good argument for the Prosperity Gospel ;)

I think what is really neat here is God's presence in the temple: "When the priests left the Holy Place, a cloud filled The Temple of God. The priests couldn't carry out their priestly duties because of the cloud--the glory of God filled The Temple of God!" (8:10-11)

I realize looking back that there is something missing from yesterday's post: it's a wonderful thing to build God's temple(s), but there's no point doing it if God's not going to live there.

Looking at Solomon's dedication of The Temple, there are some good indications of why God chose to habitate there. In 8:17-19 Solomon relates the desire of his father, David, to build a temple and God's response: "It is good that you wanted to build a Temple in my honor--most commendable! But you are not the one to do it--your son will build it to honor my Name."

(God/Peterson loves using those --'s lately.)

Instead of building a house where God wasn't, Solomon looks at this promise made to David by God and builds the house over where God already is: among God's chosen people, in God's chosen land, and by God's chosen person. A.K.A.: the Israelites, Jerusalem, and Solomon.

Here's the application: when we endeavor to do God's will, we're much better off seeking God's desire first and then building off of that foundation than building irregardless of God and then begging him to take up residence in the foundation-less home we built. This is, after all, the guy who told us to build on rocks and not sand, right? I'm sure he's going to be checking the base materials before setting foot in the door.

So, as we build our temples (ourselves, our ministries, our families, etc), let's endeavor to find the space God has already set aside for their building. Let's build them at the right times. Let's involve the right builders. If we do we won't have to worry about God blessing them and entering the neighborhood, he'll already be there.


At 11:22 AM, Blogger Ben George said...

So crazy! That's exactly what I've been reading about in "The Godbearing Life" by Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster. Way to go God at hitting me in the face with it!

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

All sorts of abuse for you, Ben, a kick to the pants and God hitting you in the face? ;)

Glad to hear that God spoke through this ass with the message you needed to hear :)

At 10:46 PM, Blogger joeldaniel said...

Kenda Creasy Dean...i had coffee with her the other week...and hope to study under her @ Princeton. woot.

as for the youth doing this idea, matt, i think it could have some potential...

and the thoughts on Kings...seems like the basic gist is ask God to make the plans, not bless the plans.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

WHOA, you KNOW her? Crazy. I think I'm going to have to check that book out soonly.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Ben George said...

I want to have coffee with her! ::JEALOUS:: Seriously, that's really cool!

Hope things are well, Joel.


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