
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

08 January 2008

Axle said it pretty well.

By Ben

I read Isaiah 61.

This passage is essentially a prophesy of the good news of Jesus Christ. How totally amazing to have these kinds of predictions centuries before the events they describe were to take place. We say amazing, the Jews might have said otherwise in the in-between time. I can only imagine the anticipation they would have felt. After about 70 years or so, they probably started to really doubt the truth of the prophesies. Let alone 700 years.

I was talking tonight to a friend who has been going through a tough time. He is struggling with someone he knows who seems to be walking away from God, without any desire to seek divine help. My friend wanted to jump on the situation (nip it in the bud, as they say). He intended to talk with his friend tomorrow, but when we spoke, he could hardly come up with what he was going to say.

I'm in an interesting situation right now, I can't share much at this time, but I'm excited for the wild ride that my life is going to take. I am one who when I see what is coming, I want to leap into that future head first, sometimes forgetting to enjoy the present.

Sometimes we just need a little patience.


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

I'm stumped with the Axle reference. How about Tom Petty though: "The waiting is the hardest part / Every day you get one more yard / You take it by faith / You take it by heart / The wai-yay-ting is the hardest part." :)

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Ben George said...

Guns and Roses....


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