
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

10 May 2007


By Matt

I read: Romans 6-7

I really love how Paul talks about that wondorous transformation that occurs in between the time we are "under" the water and when we come up out of it. Baptism isn't about getting temporarily wet, it's about trading in our old citizenship in the Land of Sin and joining the Nation of Grace. It's about forgetting the language we spoke as sinners and waking up with a tongue well-versed in being forgiven. It's about leaving behind the tyrrany of a dictator of sin and receiving the rule of a benevolent monarch. It's really an amazing thing!

Sometimes I feel like I'm at a disadvantage having grown up in the church and knowing Christ pretty much my whole life. That's weird to say, but sometimes I really wish I had screwed up bad so that I would know grace all the more. But then I realize that there I need more than my share of grace just to make it through every day forgiven and the desire to have sewn my wild oats isn't so much of a big deal anymore. The big deal is that my memory of being a dead man walking is gone and I'm indeed a new creation, freed from sin by grace and love :)


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Ben George said...

Amen! Too often we think that we are good people just because we haven't done anything majorly wrong (at least in our eyes). We forget that we are sinners and still require God's grace.


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