
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

06 March 2006

Reading & Running

so believe it or not, i actually have been doing a lot of Bible reading recently, i just haven't had any tinme to post it on here. in the last week i've read Genesis and half of Exodus, as well as the book of James. last night was James...i was only going to read the first twelve verses for a study i was looking at, but i was so caught by what was being said that i just up and read the whole book (it's only five chapters). what an amazing book. it's been quite awhile since i read James. i don't really know how to some up what i learned from it. but mostly i was excited that in no way did it feel like a chore, but it was something i was excited to do. not much else to say at the moment...but maybe more later.


At 8:35 AM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

Yeah, it's a great feeling to get to the end of the "required" reading and want to keep going. I usually have that (lately) when I'm not doing the reading post 11 pm but I've been doing that most of the time for the last few nights. Share with us, JD, I love to read what you're thinking :)

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Ben George said...

Good to hear from you!! Also, nice to hear about your reading experience. I hear you about the reading not being a chore. Too often, when my heart was in the wrong place, it did seem that way! But recently, my time with scripture has been a delight!


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