
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

24 January 2006

Jesus the Rebel

religion can become focused inward upon itself. rigid religion is just as much a plague as unrestrained hedonism. the danger of religion comes when it is caught up in the structures that make it function, rather than the people or the heart that make it tick. at the beginning of chapter 12 in matt., the pharisees freak out because they observe first the disciples and then Jesus breaking their understanding of sabbath. the disciples were guilty of providing for their basic needs. Jesus was guilty of serving others. what is the point of sabbath? i think for most of the world today, the concept of sabbath is a totally foreign object. we pack our schedules too full and run our lives to fast to ever set aside entire days for one-on-one time with God. however, the sabbath was (and is) a big deal to God. and, as such, the pharisees were astounded to see this man breaking what was set aside as a good day...and day to breath deeply. but i love how Christ responds. i think of it as saying "love surely never catches a breather."

i want to be so passionate in my loving that nothing can halt me. that no distraction is compelling enough. that no excuse is satisfactory enough. so focused that i love without trying...as a natural overflow of who i've become.


At 1:30 AM, Blogger Ben George said...

"a natural overflow of who I've become"

That's just awesome. Sometimes I wonder about my own definitions of Christian love...especially because of being on church staff, do I lose my ability to serve? why does every act of service at the church suddenly feel like it's part of my job or that I'll be seen as a bad Christian or youth advisor if I turn something down.

I've had to come to find a balance between serving and accomplishing my own work (not my own goals). i am still working on this, but when I see an opportunity for service, I take it, provided it is not on my Sabbath or interfering with the work God has called me to do. (of course, defining that is still left to human interpretation...)

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

Word. That whole last paragraph is pretty danged snazzy. Good work, JDH! With any luck that will be on a Thomas Kinkade painting before long ;)


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