
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

29 January 2006


Read: Colossians 3-4

There really isn't a whole lot of meat to this last chapter of Colossians. I suppose it's the biblical version of shout-outs really. Basically, it's Paul's parting shots as he signs off in his own handwriting. Can you imagine writing that stuff out by hand? Dag yo! Colossians is even a short book, I can't imagine writing out Romans or BOTH Corinthians, ai pa pee!

Anyways, it's those little details at the end of the letter that fascinate me. This was a real letter, handwritten by a guy to his friends. Well, more than friends, his family. Paul, the classic bachelor and, for all we know, orphan has found a tremendous family among those he was literally trying to kill off. It's grand irony, eh? But it's cool to see this and good to know that Paul, even the mega-Christian that he was, still depends on others and their prayers for him. What a guy.

I know I say it a lot, but thanks to you two, plus all the other readers out there (shout-out to ESM since he's posted!) who enjoy reading our ramblings. It's fun, no doubt, but this is how Christianity is meant to be experienced: in the company of others and in the presence of our Christ. It's good stuff :)


At 12:54 AM, Blogger Ben George said...


I feel the same way about our writings here. Reminds me of what Professor Jentoft used to say about "the meeting of two minds"

Well, at least three or four in our case, but you get the idea. Looking over the last few posts, there has been a theme of discipleship. The thought occurs to me that is that what friendship really is? Are we discipling (new word?) each other through the sharing of our thoughts and reactions to Scripture? Think about it: Christ defined himself as a friend, but wasn't a big chunk of his goal to disciple the umm...disciples? Then, they, in turn, could do so to others...maybe even each other?

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

Hmmm, maybe . . .

Does this mean you're reading that book I loaned to you? :)

(PS - It belongs to JKPC so give it back to them when you finish it!)

At 1:13 AM, Blogger joeldaniel said...

community=large quantities of goodness.

i like you guys.


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