
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

30 January 2007

Second Opinions

By Matt

I read: Song of Songs 4-6

As unexpectedly as he left, the Man returns and evidently there's no hard feelings. He's happy to see her and begins describing her beauty again. But there is one thing that is a little different at the end of his litany this time:
Everyone who came by to see her
exclaimed and admired her--
All the fathers and mothers, the neighbors and friends,
blessed and praised her. (6:9)
Instead of just his opinion, we're getting other people's opinions. His family and his friends--all the people whose opinions he trusts--seem to concur with this findings.

There is wisdom in this. Love is a tricky tangle of emotions and sometimes rationality just isn't present. Thus getting a second opinion makes sense here. The pastor who preached at the retreat I attended last weekend related that when one of the married men in the room met his wife-to-be he went around asking different people what they thought about her. He basically did his homework before he really began to pursue her so he could make sure he knew what he was getting himself in to.

So while it may not be that romantic to have to get a potential lover checked out, it makes sense. And then when others start confirming your opinions? That's a great feeling too. And not just because it means you have such great taste. Loving someone is about friendship and family and there's nothing greater than when you can integrate the one you love into both those areas of your life.


At 2:47 PM, Blogger Ben George said...

Reading that passage (at least, out of context), it makes sense in relation to a wedding ceremony. "If anyone here sees any reason why these two should not wed..." wasn't just a scary tradition. I'm betting that it dealt directly with this idea. Also, how much easier is a marriage wherein the families connect versus one where concerns must be hidden away.


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