
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

07 November 2006


  1. "What do you want from me?" (Matthew 20:32) - So, Jesus is leaving Jericho with a big crowd and hears two blind beggars yelling, "Master, have mercy on us! Mercy, Son of David!" Jesus responds to their calls and asks the above question. Their answer is that they want to see again. Jesus is "deeply moved" and instantly restores their sight. It's kind of amazing to me, just how simple their faith is. It's not caught up in the why's or what's or where's, just the who: who Jesus is, the son of God. And that's what moves Jesus, that they simply know who he is and respond to him. And he responds back. Simply profound.
  2. "And haven't you read in God's word, 'From the mouths of children and babies I'll furnish a place of praise'?" (Matthew 21:16) - This reminds me of a favorite moment, perhaps in another Gospel, where the Pharisees try to shut up the people praising Jesus during his triumphant entrance to Jerusalem. Jesus' response is simple: if the people weren't singing, the rocks and trees would open up with praise. Moving on to this question, I might be reading more into it than is intended but I'm going to go with it anyways: "furnish a place of praise" is an interesting image. The praises of the young are going to adorn the Temple, make it an inviting place to hang out in. I suppose this is Jesus' way of reminding us of the importance of having our children in worship with us. But then again, furnish can mean something along the lines of making something. Now I'm confused :)
  3. "About the baptism of John--who authorized it: heaven or humans?" (Matthew 21:25) - Jesus is a tricky fellow and he shows it with this question. He's teaching in the Temple and the Pharisees corner him with questioning of his credentials. He responds with a question that traps the Pharisees. "Humans" would set them against the population who loved John; "Heaven" would call into question why they ignored him. So, by not answering Jesus gets off free from his question. I don't quite get that, might be a Hebrew cultural thing perhaps.



At 10:22 AM, Blogger Ben George said...

I think you were right the first time about the children. Our boys' and girls' choirs combined yesterday during our main service. It was incredible. Sometimes I don't fully appreciate their singing, but yesterday was a completely different experience. I was held in awe while they sang. Every part of me was focused on God's glory as the music from these children filled the space around me. Sometimes in worship, I'm reminded why we worship.


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