
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

31 March 2006

The Rahab Connection

by Ben

I read Joshua, chapters 1-2.

We pick up right where Moses left off (kudos, of course, to Peterson's intro). Joshua is now in charge (listening to God) and is leading the Israelites over the Jordan river and into Canaan. He's careful though, he sends a few spies to check things out before they go charging in. These spies are met by Rahab, one of the female role models of the Bible. She, in defiance of her king and country, hides the spies in order to save their lives. By doing so, she spares her life and the lives of her family. The spies escape and report back to Joshua about what they saw in Canaan.

The interesting thing here is that Rahab is a prostitute. Besides being a Canaanite, she, morally, is separated from the people of God. However, her initial reaction is to help God's chosen. She could very easily have turned the spies in to the authorities (and not risked her own neck). For her kindness, the spies make a deal to spare her and her family.

For me, this short passage would be more likely found in the New Testament, rather than the Old. A right out forgiveness without a sacrifice...UNHEARD OF! Now, mind you, we don't get God's perspective on all of this, but we have to assume that His Will is being enacted by the people of Israel. Peterson suggests that in these, the history books, that everyday life is lived and explained without direct connection to God, because it is assumed.

Rahab=Prostitute=Hider of spies=Saved/Spared

Wow. Put your name in there and do the same thing:

Ben=Sinner=Follower of Christ=Saved/Spared


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

The first time I read that I saw "Ben=Prostitute" and I was unnerved.

" . . . because it is assumed."

Can you imagine living in an almost unanimously God-believing society like that of the Israelites? It's gotta be strange.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Ben George said...


But you're right, it would be completely different than our approach to life.


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