
"Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." -Paul

28 March 2006

"My Youth"

by Ben

I read Deuteronomy 29-32.

There are a lot of things in this section to write about, but none of them seem as important to me today as what has been happening with my youth (I say "my" but really they are God's :).

Anyhow, as many of you know, I've recently been thinking about the purpose(s) of youth ministry. Specifically, what is it that should be accomplished in the course of going through a youth ministry program (not a single event, but 6 years of youth ministry).

As part of my answer to this (oh so very large) question, on Sunday mornings, I have begun to ask the youth to do essentially what we do for the dLog: read a section of Scripture, be aware of portions that speak to them, write about it (journal), and take what they have learned with them. Similar to Eugene Peterson's "Read. Think. Pray. Live."

Here's my thought process:
It really all comes down to modeling ("on the catwalk"). Really, in order for the youth to understand or even believe that a life in Christ is possible, we have to model it for them. Okay, so...I try to be a faithful Christian (whatever that means), but how do I show it to them? Well, I do my best to read Scripture and journal about it daily, I try to maintain an active prayer life either through traditional prayer or meditation, and I talk about my faith with those around me. While all of those things are very personal, private things for me (and not easily displayed in a classroom setting), I want the youth to know what I do and how I do it. Ah! I've got it! Let's go through exactly what I do when I read and journal, or pray, or meditate, or converse about faith. But it can't be me teaching them. They have to uncover the experience for themselves. And all along the way, I can suggest to them that is how I stay spiritually full (insert visual of a cup here).

So, I'm beginning this process and I really can't be sure where it will lead. But I feel a strong pull on my spirit to let it take its course. Please pray for me to be willing to follow the Holy Spirit and pray for my youth to grow closer to God. Thank you!


At 10:53 AM, Blogger Matt Wiggins said...

You got it (on the catwalk, yeah, the catwalk), Ben :) A worthy goal. I'll be praying for you to be moved and for creativity and for lots of sandwiches to fuel your brain. Delicious sandwiches. Mmmm. (It's only 10:50 and I'm hungry for lunch already. Gotta stop all this goodness and food talk.)


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